Coffee and Concentration

Coffee and Concentration

Posted by Jodie Dawson on

By Isabella Dores

As we’ve entered the fourth quarter of the year, the days grow shorter, college applications are due, mid-terms begin, and parents begin to juggle the holiday season and their kid’s school year on top of their careers, Java Love is here to offer a helping hand through the chaos of it all. Here at Java Love, we specialize in caffeine. Whether you like your morning boost in a fancy way or straight to the point as a shot of espresso, caffeine is scientifically proven to boost your productivity and concentration!

Now you may know this; but there is plenty of scientific data that proves that when consuming an appropriate amount of caffeine, you see an improvement in your mental and physical performance in turn promoting focus, concentration, motivation, and drive. And the scientific reasoning behind it is pretty neat too!

When determining how you can utilize caffeine to your advantage to take on the day, it is imperative that you take into consideration how “caffeine adaptive” you are, or in layman's terms, how tolerant you are to coffee. There are a few factors that contribute to this, like how much caffeine you drink daily, your body type, and your food intake. However, the recommended range for a person’s daily caffeine intake is 100 to 400 mL of caffeine. 

**Please note if you are an individual with an anxiety or panic disorder, the higher end of that scale will be incredibly uncomfortable for you. Start slow!

Have you ever heard that coined term; “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee?”. Well, it isn't just some saying you can find on a silly mug but has some scientific basis behind it too! According to Andrew Huberman, an American neuroscientist and an associate professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at the Stanford University School of Medicine, caffeine increases the efficacy and density of the function of Dopamine receptors. The happy chemical!

So all in that to say, if you play your cards right, coffee can be your best friend when tackling the day ahead of you. And with the hectic season coming up, it might be just what you need. So stop into one of our four Java Love locations and order some caffeine that will kick-start your day. Don't forget you can order ahead online or order on UberEats to get it delivered straight to you from our Bay Street location!


Happy sippin’!

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