Java Love and the Rainforest
While shocking headlines about the Amazon rainforest fires seem like they are a world away, most Java Love beans are sourced from farms in countries...
Why we should switch to reusable cups
A Love to Re-Use I leave my re-usable cup everywhere. I leave it at home, at work, or worse my car, where it sits in...
Great Hikes Near YOU
Looking for a quick day trip for a rewarding day off? Here are some fun and easy places to hike with distance from each Java...
When the Resource Serves the Community
La Minita was at the forefront of the paradigm shift from the community serving the resource to the resource serving the community, paying all of...
Go Green with CBD Coffee at Java Love!
Times are a changing and we need to change with them... Go Green with our CBD Coffee Welcome the GREEN MAN, a new specialty hotlist drinks...
Why should all Coffee Shops ban straws from their stores?
With these last warm days of summer we indulge in an iced coffee, or maybe a strawberry hibiscus tea with a splash of lavender. Whatever...
How to Make the Best Cold Brew Coffee at Home
If you’re wondering how to make the best cold brew coffee at home, you’ve come to the right place. It’s super simple and very pleasing...
How To Store Coffee - The Right Way
There are four enemies of coffee - temperature, light, oxygen, moisture. For the best cup, start with quality beans (you’re in luck, we have those),...
Pura Vida: Coffee in Costa Rica
How do you feel about going to Costa Rica? Those are the exact words my boss and co-founder of Java Love asked me on the...